Mechie mgbasa ozi

iTunes abụghị naanị ebe ị nwere ike ịgbazite ma ọ bụ zụta ihe nkiri onye ọ bụla. Site n'oge ruo n'oge, ị nwekwara ike ịhụ ngwugwu ihe nkiri ebe a - nke a bụ aha aha abụọ ma ọ bụ karịa na-ekerịta otu isiokwu, usoro, onye nduzi, ụdị ma ọ bụ ọbụna afọ nke ntọhapụ. Ọ bụ ezie na ngwungwu a dị oke ọnụ karịa otu aha fim, ihe nkiri nke ọ bụla etinyere na ya ga-efu gị obere ego n'ikpeazụ. Kedu ihe ị nwere ike itinye na mkpokọta gị n'izu a?

The Fockers Trilogy

Ọ masịrị gị na ihe nkiri na-atọ ọchị sitere na usoro "Fotr je lotr" ya na Ben Stiller na Robert DeNiro? Mgbe ahụ ị ga-enwe obi ụtọ na eziokwu ahụ bụ na na iTunes ị nwere ohere ịzụta ngwugwu nke aha atọ maka ọnụ ahịa dị mma - ndị a bụ aha Fotr je lotr (2000), Jeho fotr, to je lotr (2004) na Fotr. je lotr (2010). Ihe nkiri atọ a na-enye ndebanye aha Czech na ndepụta okwu.

Ị nwere ike ibudata The Fockers trilogy maka 399 okpueze ebe a.

Anụ ọhịa dị egwu: mkpokọta ihe nkiri 2 ahụ

Atụmatụ nke foto sitere na usoro Fantastic Beasts na-ewere ọnọdụ n'oge tupu ihe omume nke Harry Potter. N'ime obere mkpokọta a, ị ga-ahụ anụ ọhịa dị egwu na ebe ị ga-achọta ha (2018) na anụ ọhịa dị egwu: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018). Ị nwekwara ike ịlele aha abụọ ahụ na Czech ma ọ bụ jiri ndepụta okwu Czech.

Ị nwere ike ibudata otu ụzọ ihe nkiri sitere na usoro Fantastic Beasts maka okpueze 499 ebe a.

The Godfather Trilogy

N'izu ụka a, n'etiti ihe ndị ọzọ, ị nwekwara ohere ibudata a atọ nke iconic oyiyi si Godfather usoro. Trilogy na-edepụta akụkọ oge niile site na mgbapụ nke Vito Andolini site na Sicily ruo ọnwụ Michael Corleon. Ihe nkiri Godfather na-enye naanị ndepụta okwu Czech, ihe nkiri Godfather II na Godfather III na-enye ndepụta okwu Czech na dubbing.

Ị nwere ike ibudata trilogy nna nna maka okpueze 399 ebe a.

Ngwa ngwa na iwe: mkpokọta ihe nkiri 8

Mmalite nke usoro ngwa ngwa na iwe malitere na 2001, mgbe ihe nkiri mbụ hụrụ ìhè nke ụbọchị. Ka oge na-aga, agbakwunyere utu aha ndị ọzọ na nchịkọta, ebe enweghị ụkọ ihe omume, ụgbọ ala ngwa ngwa na ike, ndị inyom mara mma na ndị siri ike, ndị ikom na-adịghị atụ egwu. Ịkwesịrị n'ezie ịgbanyụ wee kuru ume? Ịnya igwe na-agba ọsọ buru gị. Nchịkọta ihe nkiri ahụ gụnyere aha ngwa ngwa na iwe (2001), Fast and Furious 2 (2003), Fast and Furious: Tokyo Ride (2006), Fast and Furious (2009), Fast and Furious 5 (2011), Fast and Furious 6 (2013), Ngwa ngwa na iwe 7 (2015) na ngwa ngwa na iwe 8 (2017). Ihe nkiri niile na-enye ndebanye aha Czech na ndepụta okwu.

Ị nwere ike ibudata nchịkọta ihe nkiri 8 site na usoro ngwa ngwa na oke iwe maka okpueze 499 ebe a.

Nchịkọta ihe nkiri Robert Langdon
Ọ masịrị gị akụkọ sitere na nkuzi onye ode akwụkwọ Dan Brown na mmegharị ihe nkiri ha? Ị nwere ike ugbu a budata Angels and Demons (2009), Leonardo DiCaprio (2006) na Inferno (2016) na iTunes. Ị nwere ike ile ihe nkiri atọ ahụ na ndebanye aha Czech na ndepụta okwu.

Ị nwere ike ibudata nchịkọta ihe nkiri gbasara Robert Langdon maka 379 okpueze ebe a.
